Coulee Region Humane Society - 2024 Annual report

Dear Supporters,

With our expansion and renovations completed in 2024 it has been a year of new beginnings here at CRHS. We have been able to increase the care our animals receive in our building. Which has allowed us to eliminate the fear, anxiety, and stress the animals would otherwise experience during their transportation and stay at a vet clinic. This has been a huge asset to us and we hope to expand even further into 2025. To do this we need your continued support in order to expand on the services we are able to provide in-shelter. Our goal this year is to obtain the machinery and supplies needed to perform dentals in-house for the animals in our care and we want to provide the highest quality and most expansive depth of service we can. This is a time of progress for us and we cannot grow without your support!

On behalf of the animals, thank you!

Thank you!
Heather Drievold
Executive Director


Additionally, $22,121.20 was donated in medical services and supplies.

1158 Pets spayed or neutered at CRHS.

23 Special Surgeries

Such as hernia repair, leg and tail amputations, and mass removals.

Thank You To The Following Clinics who assist In the care of our animals!

Dr Amy’s Vet Services

Hillside Animal Hospital

La Crosse Veterinary Clinic

Sparta Small Animal Clinic

Thompson Animal Medical Center

VCA Sand Lake Animal Hospital

Winona Veterinary Clinic

2024 By The Numbers

93.03% Live Release Rate (LRR)*

*Live Release Rate is calculated by dividing total live outcomes by total outcomes.


Domestic Animals Came to CRHS




Animals Fostered in 228 Different Homes


Volunteers donated 9,132 hours


Volunteer hours transporting animals


Volunteer transport miles

TNVR (Trap/Neuter/Vaccinate/Return to Field) in the city of la crosse, 41 cats returned to field

We Love Helping Our Community


Pets Assisted with:
S.N.A.P - 91
Heart2Heart Pet Lifeline -102
Franke Fund- 23

How Animal Control Made An Impact


Animal Control Calls


Wildlife Brought To The Shelter

Common Wildlife

75 Opossums
139 Rabbits

Never Before

Snow Goose and Common Yellowleg