education programs AT CrhS

Our humane education programs provide age appropriate presentations for schools, youth groups, and community and business organizations throughout La Crosse County and in neighboring counties when possible.

Humane Education Programs

We are dedicated to providing education to the public about the welfare of animals everywhere! We have several programs that can fit into your curriculum and meet the Wisconsin Standards for Science. Our most popular programs are:

Getting To Know You / Our Best Friends (30 mins.)

‘Our Best Friends’ is our most popular program! It is an interactive experience for the younger audience to get to know Coulee Region Humane Society as a shelter and what we do here. Listen to some of our wildest animal stories, learn about the important role shelters have in our community, and get to know a friendly Pet Therapy dog to learn how to be safe around animals. This does include petting the dog at the end!

Helping Hands (30 mins.)

We know that the animal shelter helps animals in need, but did you know there are animals with special jobs to help us as well? In this program we discuss different jobs animals have to not only help humans, but help each other as well! This visit is accompanied by a Pet Therapy dog that will demonstrate the role they play and teach our young audience when it’s appropriate to pet a pup that’s working!

Elementary school kids laying on the floor snuggled up with a Golden Retriever Pet Therapy dog from the Coulee Region Humane Society's Ambassadors of Love Program.

Other humane education Opportunities

Interested In enrolling your group in an educational program?


Interested in booking a wildlife program at your school or organization?

Wildlife programs are available for $100 and within a 60 mile radius of Onalaska, WI.

Payment will be collected after confirmation that we can accommodate your request. We reserve the right to deny requests based on availability.