Silent Auction Sign up & Bidding Process Guide
Wanting to bid on our Cause For Paws silent auction but not sure how to get started? We’ve put together the following guide, with screenshots, of the account creation steps and bidding process.
Creating An Account at
To participate in the silent auction you’ll need to create a account. To do this, visit individual account sign-up page
Your Account Dashboard
Once you’ve created an account, you’ll see your account’s Home page or dashboard. On this page you’ll be able to see your giving history, recurring donations, auctions your participating in, perks, and access your account’s settings.
account homepage
Bidding Process For The Cause For Paws Silent Auction & Trip Auction
While logged in to your account, visit the Cause For Paws silent auction Home page or the trip auction Home page to view the items/trips on the auctions and bid on them. Please note, each auction has their own Home page and are separate from each other. You can’t bid on the trip auction from the silent auction and vice versa.
The cause for Paws silent auction homepage
Viewing Silent Auction Items
Once on the Cause For Paws silent auction Home page or the trip auction Home page click on a category in the navigation menu (Cat Items, Dog Items, Home Goods, etc.) to view individual items. Then choose an item and click on it to visit it’s page to view more photos, get more details, and view the current bid.
Select an item that you are interested in bidding on
Bidding On A Silent Auction Item
Once on the item’s page, enter your bid in the amount field and click the “Bid” button.
You’ll now be taken to the “Payment Information” page.
This is what a regular bid looks like
Payment Information After Bidding On A Silent Auction Item
After you place your bid on an item, you’ll be taken to the “Payment information” page. Here is where you’ll enter in your credit card details and any other information (like shipping info if needed).
Once you’ve entered in all the needed information click the “Place bid” button.
After placing your bid you will see a “Thank You” message. You’ve successfully bid on our silent auction!
after you enter your bid amount, it will take you to this page. After you hit, place bid, it will thank you and you have successfully bid on the auction!
Setting A Max Bid Amount On A Silent Auction Item
If there is an item that you really want, it’s a good idea to set a max bid on it. That way will automatically re-bid for you, up to your max bid amount, when someone else bids on the item.
To set a max bid on an item you’ll need to go to that item’s page, then scroll down until you see the “Set a max bid” section. Fill in your max bid amount and click the “Set your max bid” button. Now your max bid is set for that item and will do the rest.
This is how you set a max bid. If somebody tries to outbid you, betterworld will automatically re-bid for you up until that amount.